viernes, 4 de noviembre de 2011


~What would you tell the 13 year old you?
I'd say, "Don't worry about the ones who say you're weird. Who call you names and push you around and try to break you down. They only do it because they're broken. Keep your head up. Shoot for the moon. Believe in the power of your voice and your passion. Don't wait so long to start using your platform for fear that you wont be able to make a difference. You WILL. And girl! Relish, even more, in school. It is a supreme privilege to have your only job in life be to get smarter every day. After all, #SmartIsSexy, and it's the only kind of sexy that lasts."

P.S:  Angels and Airwaves isn't a band, it's my religion and Tom Delonge is my God! 

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