My dearest Tom: This day 36 years ago, a genius was born in San Diego. Today, it's your birthday so first, Happy Birthday! Lots of love from Spain, place, I wish you could come with Angels and Airwaves.
I hope you enjoy your 36. I need you thank you the fact that you saved my life from darkness once in June 2010 when I first listened to "The Adventure" since then, I can't stop listening to Angels and Airwaves.
Your message is so are so awesome and sexy...
Please don't leave them, don't leave us..."Please stay, don't go, I got you now..."
Thank you for being most part of my life. Thank u for being my hero, thank u for making me laugh in each video I see of you, thank u for being u. LOVE. "She said, show me the world that's inside your head..."
Happy birthday Thomas Matthew Delonge :)