sábado, 31 de diciembre de 2011

Nuevos descubrimientos

¿Las queréis? Lo sé, yo también. Pues ahora es posible con http://custom.case-mate.com/diy/
Crea tus propias fundas para Blackberry, Iphones, Ipods, Samsungs, HTC etc etc 


viernes, 30 de diciembre de 2011

Por fin tenemos vídeo para My Heroine (It's not over)

Death is not the end of LOVE

~~I crawled my way, back in your head, to hear you speak, and dream again. To touch your lips from deep within. A bit like love, a heroine.
I’ll cross the grave, invite the bends
Carry you out when the world ends
I’ll crash away and lose you when
You’re in my arms just like the wind

Why is he damn sexy?

miércoles, 28 de diciembre de 2011


Hola people! Bueno os traigo una cosita que descubrí hace un par de días:
Ahora mismo suena "Love like Rockets" con fotos nunca vistas, de David y Atom en moto de viaje, por ejemplo o de conciertos y lo mejor, el aleatorio de las canciones. Así que si algún día estáis aburridos y no sabéis que escuchar, en www.angelsandairwaves.com y luego en la barrita superior derecha, donde está lo de log in etc, clicar en media player.
Un besito y espero que os guste.

lunes, 26 de diciembre de 2011

After Midnight ya está aquí

Tengo que añadir que es un vídeo muy a la línea de AvA y de Slideshow art :3 Pero Tom está guapísimo :3
En mi opinión este vídeo es ideal para la canción "My Heroine, (it's not over)" de los Angels and Airwaves.

martes, 20 de diciembre de 2011

The Adventure 2011 Concert


Angels and Airwaves Interview MTV

Part 1
Part 2

"I like the idea of fans getting deeper into those fan groups and having names for them. I think that's cool," says Delonge, "'Cause it's no different from what we did, but we just called it 'punk rock' when we were younger. You're a part of a scene, you're a part of this tribe, and I think that's awesome." Wise words, Delonge

Spread the Hope :)

sábado, 17 de diciembre de 2011

Surrender, Amazing video!

There is a crowd in here, that fooled themselves
They brought their friends and they made their hell
They faked their grin in a lonely cell
To the bitter end
But what do I know?
There are a few good here, that hurt themselves
They kick and been in a dried up well
They call for help and you know them well
Are you aware?
But what do I know?

I will not surrender
No, I will not surrender
When God falls fast asleep
The kids still dance in city streets
From the White House lawn to the Middle East
And all around
I’m just sayin’ that this time I feel it now

viernes, 16 de diciembre de 2011

Atom Willard is in Spain :3


There comes a time in everyone's life when you stop and reflect, and then say to yourself : Damn I really need a haircut. Good morning Bibao

In Madrid today, officially on Spain time as I had dinner last night at 2AM and woke up today at 2PM.. Viva la Revolucion!!!

martes, 13 de diciembre de 2011

Happy Birthday Thomas Matthew Delonge

My dearest Tom: This day 36 years ago, a genius was born in San Diego. Today, it's your birthday so first, Happy Birthday! Lots of love from Spain, place, I wish you could come with Angels and Airwaves.
I hope you enjoy your 36. I need you thank you the fact that you saved my life from darkness once in June 2010 when I first listened to "The Adventure" since then, I can't stop listening to Angels and Airwaves.
Your message is so powerful...you are so awesome and sexy...
Please don't leave them, don't leave us..."Please stay, don't go, I got you now..."
Thank you for being most part of my life. Thank u for being my hero, thank u for making me laugh in each video I see of you, thank u for being u. LOVE. "She said, show me the world that's inside your head..."
Happy birthday Thomas Matthew Delonge :)

lunes, 12 de diciembre de 2011

domingo, 11 de diciembre de 2011

Spread LOVE like violence

Let me feel you, carry you higher
Secret crowds rise up and gather
Here your voices sing back louder 

sábado, 10 de diciembre de 2011

Best part of the movie

~~Sometimes when I wake up I feel like I’m still sleeping, feel like all the colors and shapes of the world and claimed that all I can do it’s just sit there and watch.
I think the persons are like a wave and we should turn it off, but I can’t find a reason.
I guess that’s why nature is always there and inspiring persons. Everything falls off on purpose.
But I guess I’m missing something. Why do we struggle? To breathe and to reach breath and we are always in the same place.
I like the hope… to feel that I don't fall off on purpose… and the sense of hope… for something better than ourselves… then…MAYBE I WAKE UP.


Angels and Airwaves interview with Mark Hoppus (Blink 182)

Mark: This is the band Tom is cheating me on!!!!
Tom: We don't have a label

P.s: Sorry, I can't find the videos on youtube blogspot =(

miércoles, 7 de diciembre de 2011

Atom Willard me responde a un tweet

Atom Willard
 hahaha.. we did two takes and they took bits from each..That stupid hat wanted off! I didn't think about the "continuity'..sorry

Stay out of his light!!!!!

He is genius, Thomas Matthew DeLonge!!

He is a passenger!!! 


Did you know...that I love you?
Come and lay with me
I love you
And honestly, I love you
You make me feel alive 
And I'll love you, until the end of time...

domingo, 4 de diciembre de 2011

Love part 1 and 2

Este finde he subido a Málaga y me he pasado por el Fnac:

Yo, la fanática de los Angels & Airwaves, he sacado su nuevo disco del fondo de las estanterías para ponerlos en primera línea. 

Luego he comprado el mío. 
